Globally, information technology is rapidly changing the face of education. Apart from helping to widen and redefine the learning landscape in unparalleled dimensions, it is also helping to improve teaching skills, data gathering capacities and administrative processes.
In a bid to ensure that the Nigerian educational system aligns with global best practices in data-driven and evidence-based educational administration that translates to holistic efficiency, fool-proof resource allocation and control, there is an urgent need for the adoption of a lean but efficient Education Management Information System (EMIS) for use in pre-tertiary institutions where the bulk of investment in education goes.
EdLight is an electronic educational management system developed by SilverEdge Projects Limited to automate academic and administrative processes in pre-tertiary schools in Nigeria. The platform provides educators and administrators with a seamless and efficient environment, which helps to manage critical information and data that influence decision-making, allowing government agencies and donor organizations evaluate whether or not, their investments are generating desired outcomes and to what extent. It also prevents and blocks administrative fraud and wastages that impede the growth of the sector, which over the years have contributed in no small measure to the poor quality of teaching, learning and management of pre-tertiary schools in Nigeria